
Armoring Vehicles: With our knowledge in manufacturing armored cars, we can get you the right company where CPS Armoring has control on the materials and production for a better quality and self satisfaction. CPS Armoring has facilities in the United States, Míddle East, Haití, Honduras, Venezuela, República Dominicana, Colombia.
We offer the finest choice of armor for Levels B4, B6 and B7 using certified Ballistic Steel, Ceramics, Aramid and Certified Ballistic Glass. For all Luxury Vehicles in the market, we provide the lightest armored glass (Air chamber glass.)
CPS Armoring Light Weight Material reduces 10% of the engine power, hence, vehicle has more power at moment of escape, in addition, its light weight increases the miles per gallon.
GPS SYSTEM: Is a module device that will track the position of a vehicle, a disabled person, a child, a senior citizen or even a pet. It can be used anywhere and its size makes it easy to transport wherever you go. By installing a SIM card directly to your GPS device which will send a message within a second with the location of the desired person or object to your cellular device and the internet. If the GPS system is installed in a vehicle, you may know the vehicle’s velocity, and location. The GPS device has the capacity to create ranges of velocity and distance that when the vehicle passes the range you will be alerted. Since this device works with a satellite it can be used internationally.
BULLETPROOF FASHION: They are designed for those that require protection in their profession. Bulletproof Vest, which mixes style with a reassuring lining of body armor, are going on sale by CPS Armoring. |
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