make it easy for you
ingredients are varied and are always a personal choice.
Whats beans for one is meat for another.
The most important ingredient is the seasoning mix,
that alone defines any bowl of chili.
have removed all the guess work for you, so you can
create great chili with confidence.
Use whatever kind of meat or beans you like.
Then just add in our Chili Stuff Chili Mix, and you
are already for a taste treat.
they invented chili? There are several theories. E.
de Grolyer, a scholar and chili expert, believed it
had its origins in the late 1840s.
According to him, Texans pounded dried beef and beef
fat, chile peppers, and salt to make trail food for
the ride out to the gold fields and San Francisco.
con carne is described as a dish of well-seasoned and
well-cooked beef with chile peppers. In New Mexico,
chili is often more of a stew with chile peppers and
vegetables, with or without meat. In California, usually
a mixture of ground beef and beans. Cincinnati had created
a chili with Middle Eastern spices which could be served
a variety of ways. |
Mix - $4.95 each - shipping included via
first class USPS
Gumbo Mix - $4.95 each - shipping included
via first class USPS
Jambalaya Mix - $4.95 each - shipping included
via first class USPS
Chili Mixes, Bowls, cajun, recipes, jambalaya, chilli, chilly

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At Chili Stuff, we specialize in all natural, rich full flavored chili mixes
that dont require a fireproof tongue. We never add chemical preservatives
because our ingredients contain their own natural preservatives and antioxidants.