Ready to sell online? Now is the time to register a suitable
domain name. There are many options regarding domain name
registration. Where do you buy? How long should you reserve
the domain? What domain extension should you buy?
During the .com frenzy, domains were purchased at unprecedented
rates. Since the shift from boom to gloom, domain name speculation
has curbed and once registered domains are flooding back into
the online market.
What if your name has already been registered? There are
many solution to registering a domain name if your first choice
is already taken!
First, you can go to and offer to buy
the domain from the owner. If the asking price is so high
or they are unwilling to sell (and you have your heart set
on a certain name), there are always alternative extensions
available like .net, .biz, and .us (make sure you are not
infringing on copyright or trademark before registering!)
If all extensions are taken other options include hyphenating
words or phrases and adding extra characters or letters. From
a promotion stand point it is probably best to simply stick
with (if it is available).
Once you select a domain name, stick with it. Sticking with
makes better and successful business ventures.
There are several non-traditional approaches to choosing
a name for your business when your first choice is already
taken. Choosing made up words has worked wonders for companies
like Google and Yahoo. Bunching words together is another
option when choosing a domain name. Many e-commerce companies
have been successful with these techniques.
Once you have chosen a domain name that is catchy, professional
and memorable - register it! Network Solutions used to be
the only registrar on the Internet, but now, many companies
offer registering solutions. We recommend registering it right
here at
When choosing a domain registrar, consider price and ease
of use. NetworksIP Domain Registration offers great prices
as well as a family of e-commerce services to help you with
every segment of your e-business venture. So go ahead! Choose
a domain name, and register it at a low price. Domain name
registration is that easy!